PinnedPublished inThe StartupFlutter Tips: Build a Splash Screen with Flutter BLoCWhat is a Splash Screen?May 30, 20203May 30, 20203
Is it worth becoming a Flutter Developer in 2023?Photo by Fahim Muntashir on UnsplashApr 16, 20231Apr 16, 20231
Self Improvement: Give and Give not Take and GivePhoto by Patrick Tomasso on UnsplashJun 22, 2022Jun 22, 2022
Self Improvement: Asynchronous HabitsBased on research we can’t multi-task. We just prioritize one thing and postpone other things. Before I learn this thing I always completed…Mar 14, 20221Mar 14, 20221
Flutter Tips: SSL Pinning in FlutterI’ve been learning security on Flutter for a week. SSL Pinning is one of the issues in my project.Jun 28, 20211Jun 28, 20211
Flutter Tips: Speed Up Your Flutter Development using GetFlutter PackageIf you were a web programmer, I think you would love to use bootstrap, semantic UI, Bulma, or other CSS frameworks. CSS Frameworks comes…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
Published inThe StartupFlutter Tips: Fetching Data From the API using BLoCBLoC is one of flutter recommendations state management. BLoC was written by felix angelov. A few months ago, I wrote an article about the…May 17, 20201May 17, 20201
In this pandemic, what can I do as a programmer?Non-native speakers can listen or read English easily, but they have some trouble to speak or write English. I know this information based…May 10, 2020May 10, 2020
Flutter Tips : Membuat Audio Player di Flutter Kurang dari 5 MenitFlutter merupakan framework yang dikembangkan oleh google untuk mebuat aplikasi berbasis mobile, web, dan desktop dalam satu base code…Apr 12, 20201Apr 12, 20201
Mengenal Konsep Reactive Programming dan Kaitannya dengan Flutter BLoCBeberapa minggu terakhir ini Saya sedang mempelajari Flutter dan tertarik dengan BLoC Pattern. Tulisan ini merupakan catatan bagi…Nov 30, 2019Nov 30, 2019